Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Crater Lake : Day 2

Grace has challenges sleeping in new places. After our experience in Newport, we were a little more prepared, bringing along our old TV/VCR combo player. Yep, VCR. We thought the videos would distract her and help us all get a good nights sleep.

Not so much.

Once I've been woken up twice, I can't fall back asleep, so as soon as the sun started to peek above the caldera, I was trying to take pictures of the sunrise with Jeff's dad's camera. He loaned it to me...and proved Jeff's point that I need something fast and easy. I loved all the options, but I could never get the lens clean (fuzz or lint in every shot) and I used auto for most things anyway. Still, I bet the pictures are much better than with our unreliable point-and-shoot.

Back upstairs, we ate a quick breakfast and headed to the other side of the lake for our boat tour. The hike down to the water was termed moderate/strenuous, but going down it only took about a half hour. The website said to plan for an hour, so we had some time to burn before we could board the boat. I tried to take a picture of a 3 foot trout, and Hayden tried to feed a chipmunk.

The kids were outfitted in the snazziest of life jackets, and we took our seats on the Rogue (seriously). Jeff & I loved seeing the lake from the inside looking out, but the kids weren't as enthusiastic.

They perked up when they could stand up in the boat and peer out at Wizard Island, Phantom Ship, and the Pumice Castle.

After the two hour tour (honestly), we had the priviledge of hiking back up the caldera to the rim... more on that in my hiking post.

One of Jeff's friends from work was staying at the lodge with his family, so Jeff & I traded time off from the kids so he could visit and I could watch the sun set and the full moon rise.

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