We think we may have lucked into the best campsite in the entire campground! Most of them were cramped and inches away from neighbors, but ours had a clearing in the brush that allowed up to put our tent a few steps uphil and gave us more room by the campfire. We set up rather quickly - if only things got packed away as fast!
Around dinner time friendly faces appeared. Two of Bayley's best friends were directly across from us, so we didn't see much of the boys from that point on! They claim to have created a kingdom in the trees and bushes behind the campsites, complete with a secret passage to the beach. I think they wanted to charge admission...so I never checked it out.
Grace watched the boys climbing trees and wanted to give it a try, but after toppling on her first attempt she decided to make her own game. she found a tree with two low branches. She stood on one and held onto another and jumped! When Bayley's friend Emily arrive, it was the first thing Grace had to show her!
She did try to go to sleep, but it wasn't a bed and there were people everywhere and she's not used to sleeping under blankets (let alone in sleeping bags)...so when she did doze she'd get cold and wake up screaming. When she drifted off and I tried to cover her, she's wake up screaming. So it was a night of - she woke up screaming. All around us were treated to her irreverant song stylings.
We hiked back to camp with some very hungry kiddos. After scarfing down our sandwiches, it was over to the meeting hall for Alka Seltzer rockets, Bingo, and Sibling Olympics!
We learned a bit about our boys during Sibling Olympics - like they need to learn how to do push-ups and jumping jacks. Watch these videos at your own risk! If you laugh, you're volunteering to give the boys a training session!!
Time flew, and before we knew it, we were trekking down to the beach for sand castle building contest and kite flying!
Once the tide put an end to the sand castles, the boys turned to kite flying - we packed 5 kites...and got 1 to fly. There wasn't as much wind as the day before, so Jeff couldn't get his pteradactyl kite to work. The dollar store kites were a bust (too much wind for them). Luckily, Auntie Terri's kits saved the day - she'd picked them up for the boys because the package said 'duckie'...and the kites were turtles! Too funny.
Instead of braving it another night with the diva, we decided to break camp after dinner and headed for home after the final campfire. It was a great weekend (minus the lack of sleep thing) and we look forward to doing it again next summer.
1 comment:
That looks like so much FUN!!
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