Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Grace loves "pretty" hats. I don't know how pretty anything is that comes from the dollar store, but she loves them. She has a "pretty blue" one from last spring, and her new "hot pink" one. I find her hat affection adorable, until she decides that I too must wear one.

She was on full-on "I'm 2" mode for today's visit with Nicky. He's so sweet, he had a look of concern every time she threw a fit. He's so nice, he even let her snatch back her binoculars everytime he tried to look at them. He even waited for her to discard them, but she took them back every time she noticed.

My favorite moment was when Nicky packed Grace's bejeweled purse with the binoculars and Rogue's half-chewed bone, and went to the door - ready to go with the things he couldn't seem to play with at the house!

1 comment:

Hyppster's Board said...

Baby blue is her color. She always looks gorgeous in it:)