Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning

 By franitcally monitoring NORAD's Santa Tracker, the boys decided Santa must arrive just after midnight. And be in a hurry, since there is so much to do. They told everyone (Grace, Mom & Dad) to be sure to be asleep early so as not to miss their shot with the big guy.

Hayden was in Mom & Dad's room at 6:30, announcing that Santa had been here. We coaxed him into ten more minutes, so he brought in the reserves -- Bayley. We snuggled them until they couldn't take it anymore and woke up Grace. They all raced downstairs, thrilled by the gifts under the tree. Gracie shouted, "Thank you, Santa!" which became the mantra for the morning.

As did "Santa is kind of a pig." Apparently the boys weren't expecting the jolly one to down three cookies AND a cupcake.

Grace loved her new plush horse stable, Hayden his lego boombox and Big Time Rush CD, and Bayley seemed unaffected by everything except the Wii Points. OK, then.

After checking that there were still Hanukkah gifts to be had for the rest of the week, the kiddos started playing. The boys on their DS's thanks to Bayley's Action Replay score, and Grace with her Little Miss Muffins.

Once our cinnamon roll breakfast was finished, the boys escaped upstairs to try out their Skylanders gift from last night, and Grace followed with her new tray of cupcakes to play 'restaurant' with them.

Merry Christmas!

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