Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shabbat on The Farm

I try to get the kids to a Jewish event once a year. There isn't anything Hebraic happening in Hillsboro, so we have to make the trek into Portland and that is usually what keeps us from keeping up with the Cohenses.

Anyway, this weekend was Shabbat on the Farm, where Havurah invites the kiddos out to Sauvie Island Organics for an uber child-friendly service and general exploration. We've gone twice before, each time it's different. This time I wish I'd had brought sunscreen (which they did have on their remember-to-bring list, I just thought it was in the car and it wasn't) so we could have stayed longer. Everyone sat on picnic blankets between feilds of potatoes and onions, singing songs and noshing on challah.

Then the kids got to do green bean tastings (straight from the plant), zinnia picking, and then stomp through a corn field in search of ears of corn. Grace LOVED the cob Jeff gave her. Corn straight off the stalk is so sweet there is no need to cook it. Who knew?

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