Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hayden's First Movie

I know. He is 4 and has never been to the movies? Well, Bayley hates watching movies on TV, so talking him into a theater is impossible. Since we usually do things together, it hasn't been an option. Plus, they don't make many G rated movies anymore. Everything seems to be PG.

Today we had a pocket of time, and he was being sweet, so I thought we'd give it a try since there are two movies he wanted to see. We missed Alvin & The Chipmunks, but made it to Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium!

We sat down...and were the only ones in the theater. Now, why they put scary previews in a G rated movie, I have no idea. Hayden wanted to leave. But, he hid in my jacket and we made it to the movie.

A good thing since at the begining of each preview he asked "IS THIS MY MOVIE?" Glad we were flying solo. It was a lovely story, light and fun but about the serious subject of moving on after someone you love leaves.

Hayden's review :: There were lots of toys and then that weird guy and a girl, and it was so funny when the color didn't come back. And there was a big ball, and a room with lots of balls bouncing, and a rocketship and trains and lots of stuff.

However...he did not sit still. I think he sat in about 30 of the seats. He went all the way up to the front to say 'hi' to the screen. He laid across seats. He took off his shoes.

So...He wants to see Alvin & The Chipmunks...but I think he'll be waiting until it hits On Demand.

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