Saturday, January 30, 2010


A new exhibit on space opened today at OMSI, so we took advantage of member night to preview it. That is really the time to go, the new exhibit is busy, but the rest of the place has very little waiting for everything. Jeff spent most of the evening in the Physics lab with one boy or another.

The boys liked the space exhibit - especially seeing the replica of the robot that explores Mars and the meteors. Bayley got to do a computer game that senses your hand movements -- kind of like Wii, but more like virtual reality. Hayden did the anti-gravity simulator where they spun the kids around and had them pedal bikes like the astronauts do.

On member night, they have previews of the classes they offer. The boys both got to try out a Segway which apparently isn't that different from the Wii Sports Resort version. Who knew?

They also had face painting -- after trying to decide between being Robin or The Joker, Hayden went with a bat. He looked great! I wish I could do this for him on Halloween!

1 comment:

Nicole Maki said...

Hayden looks adorable with that make-up.

My boys still talk about OMSI all the time. We used to go regularly. I'm glad to see you guys got to.

Thanks for the comments on my blog. So glad to hear your brother is doing so well. I'm taking about half the pain meds I was pre-surgery which is pretty good considering all things.