Friday, February 07, 2014

Field Trip :: OMSI

OMSI is always one of my favorite field trips. There is so much for the kids to do, they keep busy the entire time. The big challenge is keeping the kiddos together. I had a friend bunch this time, so the hardest part was getting them to be still enough for a picture.

We started with an astronomy show at the planetarium. I wonder how many times it will take for me to see the Night Sky show before I can spot a constellation...

The Tony Hawk skateboarding exhibit and the Physics lab were the highlights this trip. We spent ages with the static ball, making hair stand on end and aluminum pie tins fly across the room. The extreme sports exhibit had them trying out a trampoline, anchored skate boards and video games. Yep. Video games.

We cut the trip short because snow had started to fall. We loaded the kids onto buses and hoped to make it back to school ahead of the traffic. No dice. Two hours of crawling through traffic later, we made it home. Talk about a trip to remember!

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