Friday, September 09, 2011

Less Jenna, more coconut

Since we joined the nice gym, I've been working hard at finally getting back to my normal size. Cutting out starches has really helped, and honestly, I don't miss bread, pasta, or cake the way I thought I would. I miss baking more than I miss eating baked goods. Crazy.

One way to keep gluten out of your diet is to substitute with other grains...but since I'm off starch (save the occasional potato), gummy rice flour isn't much help. Today I learned coconut flour can make a nice pancake!

It's mostly fiber, so they can be on the dry side, but I served mine with organic blueberries I'd simmered into a sauce and cultured butter. Delish. Grace preferred hers with whipped cream. 

I had two extra, so I decided to make a sandwich! Without bread, sandwiches have been missing from my life for a while. I did a Monte Cristo with turkey ham, havarti and the blueberries. So good! 

I'll definitely be making them again :)


3T coconut oil, melted (or butter)
3T coconut flour
3 eggs
3T buttermilk, coconut milk
1/2 t baking powder
vanilla extract, smidge
salt, pinch 


Deborah Stuart said...

First of all, those photos are causing my mouth to water, lol!!

This is the first time I've ever heard of Coconut Flour. I strongly doubt it is sold in my part of the world, but then again, you never know.

Is the coconut flour a healthier alternative to regular flour?

Unknown said...

The coconut flour came from Whole Foods. The articles I've read on it say most specialty grocery stores have it.

Whether it is healthier than wheat flour depends on your system, I think.

Unknown said...

Forgot to mention I beat those eggs like crazy! I knew there wasn't enough lift without it. Apparently, they are gummy if you don't whip the eggs. Sorry!