Sunday, January 02, 2011


Each week brings a new state into the Burke casa, beginning (alphabetically) with Alabama. Since there are 52 weeks in a year, we'll do the 50 states, Washington DC...and probably Puerto Rico.

We started with a little reading about the state and a worksheet about the state quarter. Each boy did a state facts worksheet, and Hayden wrote a poem to highlight what we learned ::

A - Alonso Alvarez de Pineda (first Western explorer)
L - Long leaf pine (state tree)
A - Activist (Rosa Parks)
B - Braille (Helen Keller)
A - Airmen (Tuskagee)
M - Mobile
A - Astronauts (space camp)

Then we started our annual craft project - state pillows!

I got this idea from my friend Nicole, who's boys like to create characters with whatever scaps of stuff they find lying about. Felt pillows are the easiest way I know of to teach the sewing basics, so we opted for that.

Who knows, myabe by summer my boys will be turning pillow scraps into imaginary creatures!


Hyppster's Board said...

Is all of this your dry run for home school?!

Fab Free Fun said...

that is pretty cool!

Fab Free Fun said...

You should have at least one meal that is a popular dish from that state, or a paticular food that is grown in the state ex. Iowa corn, Lousiana gumbo:)

Unknown said...

Yes...well...I don't relate food and Alabama! And mine won't eat gumbo. But, I am making Derby pie when we do Kentucky. And maybe baked Alaska.