Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Kids are Mean

Every day the refrain is the same. What did you do at school today, Bayley?
"I just can't remember." I know a few tricks to pull it out of him. What was the snack? Who dressed the weather bear? What story did your teacher read? Occasionally I'll get a glimpse at his day.

Yesterday he wasn't budging. And after class when the boys had their 10-minutes at the playground with the other kids who just got out of preschoool, Bayley opted to play alone or with Hayden not the kids his age. Fine.

But once we were home he started acting up. Every move Hayden made was "Hayden, you act like such a baby." After the 4th or 5th refrain I realized what happened and snuggled with Bayley. Someone was mean to my pumpkin. Can't I wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him safe from insensitive preschoolers?

Anyway, we had a nice chat. He knows about namecalling and to tell the teachers. I think he is almost the youngest kid in that class. Out of 30 kids 8 of them are 5 already. Okay, enough. But now I remember why I hated school. Kids are mean.

**Bay gets upset when he talks about it, so don't mention it, K?**


Anonymous said...

I want the name, address and a photo of the kid that messed with my nephew...I am going to tell him that he eats boogers and that he will get a stomach ache and turn green if he doesn't stop...then when he doesn't believe me I will dump a gallon of green paint on him and laugh and laugh and laugh.

-Uncle Gabe

Unknown said...

I was thinking of bringing Krispy Kreme donuts for everyone BUT that mystery kid.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, how do you explain that Krispy Kreme doesn't know how to count - oh wait, I know, don't they do it by a bakers dozen so you just tell the kid that the baker ate his donut - then you can watch the kid cry.

I am evil Uncle Gabe today...