Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Last Flag Raising

Bayley's time as a cub scout is almost over. In a few weeks, he'll cross over into boy scouts at the blue and gold dinner. Yesterday was the last time the den will raise the flag at the elementary school, and last night their final den meeting.

Lucky for them, most of the boys are sticking together as they join a new boy scout troop. They've spent the last few months visiting troops to see which one fits them best. The parent thought the boys would probably wind up spread across troops in the area, but the boys had other plans. Most of them decided to choose the group they had the most fun with...and the troop is taking them snowshoeing the weekend after crossover to celebrate.

Scouts has been so wonderful for both our boys, exposing them to experiences that aren't on my to-do list. Even if it has made them a little obsessed with archery, BB guns, and slingshots.

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