Saturday, October 15, 2011

Soccer with old school friends

Hayden's team played the team of the school he used to go to, which meant kiddos from kinder were there. It's amazing to see them so grown up! One of the boys he has known since preschool. Plus, one of his cub scout den mates played.

The boys had a good game, a little struggle to play as a team at first, but it came together. Hayden had a great game, and so did his friend Sebastian who scored 3 times!

Grace loved getting to run about and pick flowers and play on the playground...but it made for one distracted mommy! Luckily Grandpa was there to keep an eye on the wandering one.

Because I paid attention to the game and Gracie the Explorer, my camera settings were off. Things are over exposed and blurry. Ah, well. There's another game next week.

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