Sunday, July 27, 2008

Camp Grandma

Last week the boys stayed with Grandma Bobbie. I thought it was just a chance for Jeff and I to catch up on our sleep, but no! It was a full on camp!

The first day they went horseback riding. A neighbor has a horse that likes kids so much, Bayley and Hayden both rode her without a saddle. They were quite impressed.

They went hiking, but I think were more interested in trying to find all three of the snakes on Grandma's property...and using the Slip n' Slide...and turning Grandma's waterfall on and off...and using their squirt guns...

One day they made it to Hagg Lake and get this...went kayaking! Oops Kayak was there and they showed the boys all about kayaks. Some day there may be pictures on their website...but we haven't seen them yet.

And then there was the swimming pool the boys have asked to be taken back to. A community pool in Carlton opens up for the afternoon, and Grandma let them show off what they learned in swimming lessons.

So...horseback riding, hiking, kayaking, swimming...sounds like summer camp to me. Only with better food. She made them waffles and bacon for breakfast every morning!!

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