Saturday, September 15, 2007

Aquifer Adventure!

The local water bureau puts on a pirate adventure each year to sneakily educate kids about drinking water. They get to canoe through the Columbia Slough, looking for animals, rocks, and treasure. Next up are activities to teach them how rain water filters down through soil.

They explain to the kids the importance of not littering, paying attention to how much water you use, using non-hazardous household products, and planting native plants. Of course, naturalist Bayley was in his element. Hayden was much more about the pirates.


Unknown said...

what i am about to say is a perfect indicator of how much i need a holiday...

was looking at one of the photos blown up and saw the juicy vein on Jeff's hand...thinking, how easy would that be to stick an IV in...

My only solace is i am on a plane to Africa in 2 days time...

Hard to believe i will be back in less than 3 months!

Mama K said...

That sounds cool - How do you find out about all these cool things. Try to remember to tell us about that next year, and if Brandon is braver maybe we will give it a try!

Unknown said...

C- The boys are already talking about you being home for Christmas :)

M- No problem...I always have a list of things we COULD do...hence why our house is a mess. We never spend that weekend cleaning we mean to...