Thursday, September 06, 2007

First Day of 1st Grade

With the whirlwind August we had, September sprang upon us. We didn't get to meet Bayley's new teacher before the big day, so I was a bit apprehensive. But, just like his kindergarten teacher promised, she was perfect. Bayley likes that she is pretty and wears different clothes every day. High praise.

He's excited to find out what the field trip will be, to have PE twice a week, to eat lunch in the cafeteria, and to raise tadpoles! He likes sitting at his table where there is no one behind him to bother him, and sitting with Tyler, his friend from kindergarten.

More next week when Busy Bees pre-school starts. In the meantime, Hayden and I are enjoying one-on-one time. We even went to the zoo!

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