Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Monday morning we woke up to a light dusting of snow. What an incentive for the boys to eat their breakfast quickly, so we coul play in it before it melted away. Bay liked 'skating' on the sidewalk, and Hayd thought snow was a special snack.

We had the best 'just stay home day'. We did two packs of phonics books (23!), did puzzles, karioke (digital cable rocks), and baked cookies! Chocolate chip, no nuts, of course.

Today they had school...and a nice combo if ice and snow on the ground. Bay's comment..."Not even enough to make a snowball." True, but plenty to make the trek to school trecherous. Saw 2 cars who had skidded off the road and had to be towed. How do people live in snowy areas? We can't manage it here.


Anonymous said...

as one who has lived in snowy areas - the key is to drive like you are afraid of the other drivers - keep one eye on your rear view mirror at all times - no quick or sudden movements - no slamming on the breaks - and most importantly NO SPEEDING!!!

Unknown said...

I was going ten when I slid. I think the key to driving in snow is going straight. Unfortunately there are houses in the way!