Saturday, July 29, 2006

Wrapping Up The 'O'

What better way to finish off the O fortnight than with a trip to the Oregon Zoo (for the otter & orangutan) and OMSI? Daddy didn't even have time to wish he was back at work this vacation - we kept him far too busy!

Really, O was a great success, outstanding since we live in Oregon. The boys ate oranges, olives (a nay from Bay), orzo (once) & Oreos. We read about opossums, orangutan, ostrich, & otters. We visited the ocean, the boys tried their best to be obedient - or at least oblivious to the rules while keeping obnoxious behaviours to a minimum - Daddy got out of the office and had the oil changed in mom's car, Bayley & Hayden got new outfits for school, we spent a lot of time outside in the outrageous heatwave that came by.

I meant to take the opportunity to expose the boys to opera - grab a few CD's from the library and play them while driving - but never got around to it. We were so busy we even missed the open air market, outlet shopping, and obligatory opthomologist visit. Next year.

Bring on P-weeks. Pie, pizza, & pasta for all!

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