Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day Tea

Grace's preschool hosted a Mother's Day tea...and I almost didn't make it!

Bayley had given me the scare of a lifetime by having delibitating chest pain. Thank goodness for our friends and neighbors who stepped in to take care of Grace and deliver her to school while I sorted things out with Bayley at the doctor's. It turned out to be a muscle spasm, which felt like an answered prayer. I'll take a little inconvenience over all the other scenarios that had been running through my mind!

I made it to the school just a few minutes into the tea party. Grace made a cute card  for me, but I think she was much more interested in the snack - sweet tea, cake, strawberries and Cool Whip. After a sip of tea, she opted for water, but she also decided she needed to have my cake as well as her own. Good think I've been avoiding grains!

We wanted a picture of all the baby girlfriends all grown up...but Grae was not in the mood. This was the only shot where she was remotely close to the other girls.

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