Since we did Cannon Beach a few weeks ago, we opted for Seaside. The weather was so cool the kids decided they NEEDED sweatshirts, which we hadn't packed. $40 later, we headed to the sand. the sand in Seaside is super fine, which made my clever idea to put everything we needed in a wagon and pull it...not so clever. It worked in Cannon Beach & Newport...but never again in Seaside.
As soon as the boys saw the ocean, the sweatshirts were shucked off, and in the water they went. We tried to convince them to only go up to their knees, but within minutes both boys were soaked to the waist. Bayley stayed in until his legs went numb! Crazy kids :D
Once Grace got sand in her eyes, the entire party was over. We dragged the wagon back up the beach and headed to the van so the kids could change into dry clothes. Then we headed over to a pizza and arcade place the boys had enjoyed before.
The pizza was great, but the arcade part was being remodeled and the bathrooms were disgusting. Next time, it's the chinese restaurant and the carousel!
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