Thank goodness we have good neighbors. If not...we'd be out of food and seriously lacking in the Santa department. One neighbor picked up the essentials for us one day, another came through with a trip to the grocery store and Target. The snow is pretty, and fun, but it sure can make a mess of roads. Traction devices are required in our county, and since we don't have any, plus our cars don't have the clearance to take on the high powder, we're comepletely housebound!
The boys aren't bothered at all by having to stay home. There's plenty for them to do, plus they're going outside to use the snow ramp Dad built for sledding as often as they can.
The mail is still getting through. Today the annual package from Aunt lynn & Uncle Gary came, bringing a new ornament for each of the kids. This was Grace's first! We got snowed in before we managed to get a tree, so she'll get to put it up next long as she doesn't eat it. It's a bell with a Santa on top, so she thinks it's a great new toy.
The boys (all 3 of them...) are enjoying the Wii. It's wonderful for when it's snowing and they can't get outside to play. Today we got two new kinds of games - a team sport (football) and adventure (safari). Both will be fun once we get the hang of them...but the games that came with the Wii (bowling) were much easier to pick up!
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