I asked Grandma to come up for a Romance Readers Luncheon I was signing at, and she wasn't sure...until Hayden got on the phone and asked her to come see him! So, she might claim she made the trip for my luncheon...but we all know better.
The boys we so excited to have her here. They had to show her all their toys and explain the intracacies of Thomas The Tank Engine. They discovered they like the same foods -- Krispy Kreme donuts, spaghetti and meatballs, pizza and blueberry muffins! After the luncheon, Gramma thought she'd lay down for a bit. After not seeing her all morning, Harden couldn't leave her be. He tried to snuggle for a while, and then noticed something. Gramma had toenails! He asked if she wanted the clipper to cut them off. It was HILARIOUS! He's always after me to cut my fingernails, and now he's on her case!
I think everyone had a great weekend. I know I did!
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