Tuesday, September 27, 2011
When It Rains...
...set up a teepee in your living room, complete with tunnels to take you to the piano and ottoman undetected!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
I came home from a workshop today to find 4 of my favorite children -- my three and Natalie! She is just so gorgeous. Look at those big brown eyes! And she's so sure on her feet, and naming everything she sees.
Grace seemed thrilled that Natalie is big enough to play with now. She wasn't so sure about sharing, but lucky for her, Natalie hasn't reached the mine-mine-mine phase yet.
The boys even helped the girls sift through the dress up box. Bayley seemed to be into it more than usual.
Natalie even got into it, probably so Bayley wouldn't feel awkward.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Hayden's on a new team this year -- with all his friends! He was thrilled when he found out every practice would be like going to a birthday party!
Jeff & I are both thrilled with how well Hayden is doing. He's taking it much more seriously this year. He is a little timid, but says it is because as the bigger kid, he's more likely to get fouled. Wow. He really though through it!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
The weather this summer has been both a blessing and a disappointment. We were lucky the temperatures were so mild, but since it never reached 90, our hot-weather activities were missing. I tell the kiddos that if it hits 90, we can put the pool in the yard. If we see triple digits, to the coast we go!
We loaded up with Hayden on the outside, Bayley on the inside, and Grace in the middle between Jeff & I. The boys started with their requests to get soaked before we'd even had out life jacket demonstration!
We were relieved that Grace liked the water play. She was very comfortable on the boat, except for the wind whipping her hair. I pulled it back, but her bangs still bugged her. So, she snuggled into Daddy for the trip down to Willamette Falls.
Without even knowing it, the kids learned about the history of the bridges, Ross Island (which is now a lagoon), Willamette Falls, the locks, the fish ladder, Native American hunting patterns, sea lions, eagles, herons & lamprey eels. We even had a great seat for the dragon boat races!
Friday, September 09, 2011
Less Jenna, more coconut
Since we joined the nice gym, I've been working hard at finally getting back to my normal size. Cutting out starches has really helped, and honestly, I don't miss bread, pasta, or cake the way I thought I would. I miss baking more than I miss eating baked goods. Crazy.
I had two extra, so I decided to make a sandwich! Without bread, sandwiches have been missing from my life for a while. I did a Monte Cristo with turkey ham, havarti and the blueberries. So good!
I'll definitely be making them again :)
One way to keep gluten out of your diet is to substitute with other grains...but since I'm off starch (save the occasional potato), gummy rice flour isn't much help. Today I learned coconut flour can make a nice pancake!
It's mostly fiber, so they can be on the dry side, but I served mine with organic blueberries I'd simmered into a sauce and cultured butter. Delish. Grace preferred hers with whipped cream.
I'll definitely be making them again :)
3T coconut oil, melted (or butter)
3T coconut flour
3 eggs
3T buttermilk, coconut milk
1/2 t baking powder
vanilla extract, smidge
salt, pinch
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Back To School
Bayley is excited that he got the teacher he wanted, for hot lunch, recess, and PE. Hayden is a little bummed his best friend is in a different classroom, but hopeful that they'll play together at recess and that he'll find more friends in his own class.
Friday, September 02, 2011
Mahoney Girls' Birthday Party
I miss the days when I could have a shared birthday party at the park for my boys. Thank goodness Ashling & Tara know what a good time it is for everyone, and have picked up the tradition. It's total family fun time.
And since it is for our resident princesses, it's always fabulous. This year, the stars were the very special cupakes.
This year, the sprinklers turned on. It was like the kids were at a waterpark. And the weather was so warm, they were completely dry when it came time to load them in the cars.
Happy birthday, Ashling & Tara!
Thursday, September 01, 2011
VooDoo Doughnuts
While staying downtown, Jeff & I made sure to hit VooDoo Doughnuts, the Portland doughnut mecca. We went on a Monday morning, so the line was minimal, giving us just enough time to get in a Keep Portland Weird frame of mind. (They've painted the brick facade with sparkles, got to love it.)
Once inside, we opted to pick our own doughnuts. It takes a bit longer, but there were some we had to have -- like the bacon maple bar for Hayden, the Cocoa Puff doughnut for Grace and a buttermilk bar for me. Yes, a plain, old buttermilk. They're not always about the flash, some of their doughnuts are simplistic perfection.
The kids were thrilled when we came home with doughnuts -- and that was after having feasted on the leftovers from the day before's Krispy Kreme trip with Pop Pop!
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