As soon as they had their boots on, the boys were climbing a hill of snow. Downers that their folks are, they had to come back to the truck to get their coats on. As soon as they were zipped up, they were in the snow again. Once the slowpokes were ready, we headed over to the intertube run.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Freezin's Greetings!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Boxing Day
Another chance for a party at Auntie Kim's! Bayley went for the cookies, Hayden for the seemingly unlimited supply of Moose Munch, and Grace...I think she wanted to abscond with Nicky's new toys!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas Dinner
Bayley was thrilled to get the Jedi Mind Trainer he wanted, Hayden thought getting a DS game from Uncle Tim was the best thing ever, and Grace finally got her pillow pet.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Morning
But, back to the good stuff. Hayden's Santa doubts vanished as soon as he realized he had gifts under the tree. He swiftly decided Santa rewarded him for not having to sign the clipboard at school, and didn't forget him because he's been having naughty behaviors. He then explained that he thinks he may be a Sith to Bayley's Jedi, and that the anger of being evil is making him do naughty things. Yeah. It won't hold up in Mommy court, but that's a battle for another day.
Bayley seemed happy with his haul, but Hayden noticed that Santa did not bring him any DS games. Ignoring that he got 2 Wii games, he started to have a snit. But, I explained that I told Santa that until he pays me back for the DS game he bought THIS SUMMER, he can't have any new ones. His response? That's OK, I think I talked Uncle Tim into getting me one.
Swedish Christmas Eve
Friday, December 24, 2010
The Uncle Gabe Box
They dove right into their new stash. Hayden called dibs on the football, Bayley on the walkie-talkies. Grace wasn't sure what to make of Boots the monkey in baby form! (Natalie's gifts seemed better to her, so they're hiding in my office.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Snowman Calendar
Some things - like decorating the Christmas tree and mailing holiday cards - made things easier on us all. Next year, we're going to put 'hang holiday lights' on the calendar since we didn't get around to it.
Some ideas flopped. Hayden decided he was afraid of the dark for two weeks (thanks to a movie)...and so we had to light up halfway through the candlelight dinner and the candlight bubble bath was candleless.
Some things were simple - hot chocolate, cinnamon rolls, write letters to Santa, make snowflakes, read holiday books, pizza night, game night, movie night with popcorn, holiday movie with caramel corn, make cookies, and open one present.
Other things I hope become traditions and cherished memories - making reindeer food, sleeping under the Christmas tree...
I think I'll collect a few more ideas before the snowman goes up on the wall again next year.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
We thought we were slick by getting to the zoo by 5...but there was a sea of people slicker than us. This wasn't our first rodeo, so we got tickets at the gate and headed for the train. The line for the 15 minute train ride wasn't too bad...just over 30 minutes. But by the time we got off the train? We guessed it would take almost 2 hours to get through.
As usual, Hayden accosted every mascot-type we came across. Not a lion or bear or cow was spared. I we have a future Puddles in the family?
Breakfast with Santa
Bayley made sure to keep it simple for Santa - boy DS games, and anything Star Wars. Hayden...decided he does not believe in Santa. He figures, it's probably just mom & dad anyway. and he decided to tell this to our friends' five-year-old. Luckily, she told him to watch himself, or he'd wind up with coal.
Grace was not interested in Santa or his elves. She did manage to ask Santa for candy...and got a candy cane for her efforts. Maybe next year she'll be ready for it.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Holiday Brunch with the Bayley Bunch!
The family all trekked to Uncle Matt & Aunt Courtney's...because she promised monkey bread and a fritatta situation. She knows how we roll, it's all about the food. I think Bayley ate half of the walnut-free monkey bread...and I am not sure there was a single piece of either left for Matt's afternoon snacking. Sorry Uncle Matty!
Good eats aside, we all had a great time relaxing on their comfy sofas and watching the show. The boys put on a few of their now famous skits, but I think the highlight of the morning was Hayden's Bop-It game. It's this strange electronic device that tells you what to do. Now, no one listens when I tell them what to do, but maybe if I do it in an electronic voice?
Grace loved the Christmas tree most of all. As soon as she saw it, she was dancing around and sharing her excitement with everyone. Hayden could not wait to open presents (which made his Bop It discovery all the more important. Bayley got a book he's been waiting two months to read...but I think the monkey bread was his highlight.
I can't wait for next year. Natalie will be walking...and I will make sure her gift arrives in time to bring it to the event!
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Monday, December 06, 2010
Graham Cracker Houses
Our advent activity was supposed to be gingerbread houses...but I didn't want to go to the store to buy the boys made them out of graham crackers and their leftover Halloween candy. BRILLIANT! They had the best time.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Advent Activities
Instead of having chocolate in the Advent calendar, I decided to put in an activity each day. Some of them are easy (reading holiday books) and some are having the boys help me with the holiday cards. Yes...we did them. Shocker, I know. We haven't sent out anything en masse since Grace's birth announcements. I never did get around to doing change of address cards.
Friday, December 03, 2010
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Happy Chanukah!
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