After a quick dinner, we headed over to the Hyppolite's so that the parentals would have someone to talk to while the kiddos collected candy. Our boys are so technical about it, it was fun to be with Steven who seemed genuinely surprised that each and every house gave him candy! Talk about an attitude of gratitude!
After a bumpy start with Gracie the Tiger, she quickly realized how to trick-or-treat, even saying "Happy Halloween!" in place of thank you for her candy. But, her joy was short lived once candy began to topple out of her witch's butt candy basket. I'll have to snag her a bigger one for next year. We stuffed our pockets with the candy and she was at it again...only to decide she was truly done when more spilled out. So, I jostled her back home and the boys finished their marathon trick-or-treating in record time.