Bayley:We saw some lighting – and one of the lightning almost struck Pop Pop’s car.
A shark show commercial is on now, it’s for Mountain Dew. You know what we did while we were waiting for my dinner to arrive? We went to McDonald’s and it had a play area, and Hayden and I played on it while we were waiting for our dinner to arrive. We had chicken nuggets, French fries, chocolate milk and cars!
I was good the whole way! I took a one minute nap, only a tiny one. Hayen and me entertained ourselves. That’s what kept the ride fun. Once we got our cars, we were making our cars crash into each other.
Pop Pop has a clock that never moves. Pop Pop needs to put new batteries in it, but there is no battery tank on it. He needs to strap a battery on there. He needs to get a battery strapper!
Hayden:We at Pop Pop’s. We playing. I see goldfish. Grandma getting some goldfish snacks. The goldfish is hungry.