Willful? My boys are just developing their own style. That is what I tell myself on the good days. The rest of the time I think I should seriously rethink my no spanking rule.
Jeff took a crack at the multi-sport camp with Bayley on Thursday. This time was soccer. He participated more, whether from Daddy's prompting or love of the sport I don't know. We still left early. Which was just fine. We had a long drive to Eugene.
Fresh from a nap the boys arrived in Eugene ready to take on the town. After checking in to the hotel and learning we had the room directly above Gram-mo and Pop-Pop we headed over to the University. We had to get there early. Twenty seats together is hard to come by. Soon enough they were screaching and squirming in their seats. No matter, here comes Uncle Dan.
Graduation ceremonies intriigued them for about thirty seconds. Then the squirming started up again. Cameras,pens and paper, bouncy rhymes held them off until Dan;s speach. Well, kinds. Some guy asked me to leave twice. Jeff was just sitting calmly, so I figured it was okay. The boys were bothering me, but aside from the jerk behind me I guessed we were in the clear.
Then the terd started poking my arm. No, not the kids. The addlebrained old man behind me. What was I to do? My brother is giving a speech, my kids are both on my lap. Decking the goy was a logistical impossibilty. I said we weren't leaving and waited for Dan's speech to end.
As soon as it was over I picked up my kiddos and boogied on out of there. We went on a leaf scavenger hunt and found five different colors of roses.
Nighttime with the wild boys of Oregon did not go any smoother. All tehy ate for dinner was cake, so we made sure they got some nutrition and picked up some french fries. Is it any wonder it was midnight and they were wired? Jeff's allergies were acting up from the cotton wood trees, so he was exhausted. I just watched them run for a while. When they finally did pass out I thought I might too.
Hayden fell off the bed and onto the floor every single time I nodded off. Not slept, mind you. Just nodded off. Once he got under my leg somehow. He's a sleeping Houdini. Why not just make him a bed on the floor you ask? He's and Oregon Wild Boy, floors are for running, not sleeping.
Dragging ourselves through the next day we opted to try and get them tired by running around Alton Baker Park. It was great. There were a four kinds of geese, ducks, pigeons, crows. The boys were in scatter the birds heaven.
Christina's graduation that afternoon went much better. It was outside. Christina's aunt made goody bags for the kids. There was cookies, lots of cookies. There was also a major downpour. the boys huddled with Daddy under a tree next to the security guys. Bayley is a sucker for a badge.